Support Team
Back: Ms Fiona Murphy, SNA, Ms Pauline Hydes, School Completion Program, Ms Marie Mc Sweeney, SNA, Ms Sinead Flanagan, SEN Coordinator and Ms Sheila Curley, Principal
Front: Mr Mike Forde, Guidance, Ms Aileen Caffrey, Learning Support, Ms Sabrina Millard, SNA and Mr Paul Mc Grath, Chaplain.
Special Education Needs (SEN)
We provide additional and focused support for students identified with Special Education Needs. We offer a wrap-around ‘SET’ Special Education Team which includes the following staff;
Senior management, class tutors, year heads and in-class support teachers.
Special Education Needs Coordinator Sinéad Flanagan
Behaviour for Learning teacher Jodi Furlong
School Completion Program coordinator Pauline Hyde
Home School Community Liaison Joe Cotter
Guidance Support Mike Forde
Chaplain Paul McGrath
Special Needs Assistants
We are all interlinked to provide a scaffolding for each SEN student who will have different strengths, learning style, personality and varied interests with the need for affirmation and success. Students receive in class team-teaching support, small group support and individual one to one support, assistive technology support, various literacy and numeracy interventions, sensory breaks in our designated quiet room and they are also encouraged to participate in various lunchtime social clubs and activities.
There are also many outside agencies we communicate with including visiting teachers for the visually impaired and hearing impaired, Enable Ireland, Child and Adult Mental Health Services, Pieta House, Jigsaw, NEPS Advisors, SENO, UCC links with their Assistive Technology Department and Art therapists.
How do parents seek our support?
You can arrange to meet with a member of the SET team by appointment
HSLO parents can contact Joe Cotter
Coffee mornings organised for all first year parents
UCC ongoing free programmes for parents